Title I, Part A of ESSA provides supplemental funding to schools serving areas of high-poverty (measured at each school by the percentage of enrolled economically disadvantaged students who are identified as eligible for free meals based upon the Direct Certification determination of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) who is overseen by Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services) to ensure all children have fair, equal, and significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on state academic achievement standards.
The School District of Lee County receives an annual allocation of Title I funds to provide interventions for students, professional development for teachers, and family engagement activities designed to help students succeed academically. ESSA and Florida law determine the eligibility of schools and how funds are allocated to eligible schools and programs. Currently, forty-six schools and multiple programs receive supplemental resources through Title I, Part A.
Each Title I school develops a School Improvement Plan (SIP) to improve the total school program after conducting a needs assessment and receiving input from the school staff, parents, and community stakeholders. Each school's plan includes goals in reading, math, writing, and other school related areas.
Increasing Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Family Engagement is a major focus of all Title I schools. Each school has developed a school-level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP), school-parent compact, an agreement between the home and school sharing the responsibility to improve student learning that defines their goals and expectations. Family Learning Centers are available at some Title I schools where parents can participate in parent workshops or receive one-on-one assistance and support. Many schools have a trained parent involvement liaison on staff to further assist families.
At the beginning of every school year, parents of students who attend Title I schools receive a notification (Right To Know Letter) informing parents that they have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of their child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s) providing instructional support. In addition, schools must notify parents if their child is taught for four consecutive weeks (Parent Notification Letter) by a teacher who is not State-Certified.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) and family members are highly encouraged to be active and involved participants in their child's education through participation in parent conferences, School Advisory Council (SAC), parent-teacher organizations (PTA/PTO), parent workshops, school events, volunteering, and other school activities.