Healthy Classroom Celebration Ideas

Scavenger Hunt Graphic

Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Have a scavenger hunt for items or information around the classroom. Students can brainstorm a list of scavenger hunt themes.

Red Baseball Cap

Hat Day

Hat day is a simple, easy, and fun     way to celebrate. Since hats generally aren’t allowed in schools, designate a day where students and faculty get to wear one for a small donation.

Recess Grpahic

Extra Recess

Who doesn't love some extra time outdoors? Give the students the option to celebrate with extra recess!

Fruit and Vegetables Clip Art

Fruit & Vegetable Snacks

Instead of asking students to bring their favorite snack to the celebration, ask them to bring a fruit or vegetable of their choice!

Arts and Crafts Graphic

Arts & Crafts Party

Create classroom art! Assign students to bring in art supplies of their choice and have an arts and crafts party.

Dance Party

Get Up & Dance!

Put together a School Friendly playlist with students and have an afternoon dance party.

Photo Booth Props

End of Year Photo Booth

Celebrate the end of the school year by bringing fun and photos into the classroom by setting up a photo booth! Make signs and props with classroom resources.

Colorful books stacked

Guest Reader

Have a guest storyteller in class such as a principal or a parent. Have the students write a class letter inviting the person of choice.

Students sitting with a board game on the floor

Free Choice Activity

Provide a school appropriate “free choice” activity for end of the day.